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American Bahrain Friendship Society Update

October 14, 2021
VADM (Ret) John Miller  President ABFS  There are many good things happening within the American Bahrain Friendship Society (ABFS) these days and it’s time for all of us to bring in more friends as we collectively emerge from the pandemic. Please visit our website at for videos of previous events and to remain aware of upcoming [...] more

Getting to Know Bahrain and America

May 12, 2021
By VADM John W. Miller VADM John Miller My first visit to Bahrain occurred while I was deployed to the Gulf in support of Operation Southern Watch. The operation guarded southern Iraq’s largely Shia population from their brutal dictator, Saddam Hussain, and took place from shortly after the end of the Desert Storm campaign that [...] more

Religious Coexistence in Bahrain

April 9, 2021

By VADM Mark I. Fox Every time I visit Manama, I am impressed by the remarkable environment of religious tolerance and wide diversity of various faith communities in Bahrain. Bahrain’s centuries-old record of multi-faith pluralism is unique in the region. Despite a relatively small national population of 1.5 million people, Bahrain is home to the […]


Bahrain is Safely Coming Back!

March 2, 2021

By VADM John Miller March 2021 Greetings from the Kingdom of Bahrain! I arrived on the evening of March 10th and deplaned into Bahrain’s magnificent new airport. The facility contains all the attributes of a beautiful, modern, efficient, and friendly airport. The Government of Bahrain has organized portions of the new facility in order to […]
